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Sample Script

KERRY (Therapist): Parenting 'tweens and teens can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. On one hand, their growth is exciting; on the other, their mood swings and attitudes can make you question your sanity. Today, we're diving into the heartache and stress that parents often face, and how our reactions as parents can either bridge or widen the gap between us and our kids. Joining me is Palmer, a fellow therapist with some distinct views on navigating these turbulent years.

KERRY: Alright, Palmer, let's kick off with a bold one. "My kid can be so mean." How many parents have you heard say that?

PALMER (Therapist): Oh, countless, Kerry! But let's be honest, haven't we all had days where we're not exactly candidates for the World's Nicest Person award?

KERRY: True, true. But it's hard when your kid's bad mood seems to take the whole family hostage, right?

PALMER: Absolutely! It's like living with a tiny dictator. But, seriously, I often remind parents that these are the years of self-discovery for kids. They're testing boundaries, and, unfortunately, we're the crash test dummies.

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Sample Podcast Episode

Parenting Teens: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster

This is a sample of what you can create with our platform.

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